Safety is our #1 Priority
The biggest difference between our Hoverboards and other brands is that EVERY Hoverboard we sell is Genuine UL2272 Certified and ships directly from our USA warehouse (not drop-shipped from China). All our Hoverboards have NEVER been part of any recall and have ZERO instances of overheating or fires.
Unlike many online retailers illegally selling old inventory of Non-UL2272 Certified Hoverboards or fake UL-Certificates that have been known to overheat, you can be 100% certain you are buying an Authentic and Safe UL2272 Certified Hoverboard when shopping with ®Huvtron… Guaranteed!
Online since 2014
After extensive research and development our Hoverboards have now earned the highest safety rating in the USA after passing the strict UL2272 certification process. This ensures our Hoverboards are the safest and most trusted Hoverboards on the market, as only a few select manufacturers have been granted the authority to use the UL Hologram, as can be seen on every one of our Hoverboards.
Each month we receive hundreds of complaints from people who thought they were getting a great deal at Amazon, eBay, and other online retailers only to realize their Hoverboard stopped working a few weeks later. Even worse they are left with no recourse from these 3rd party sellers. Don’t make the same mistake and get peace of mind knowing that we stand behind all our Hoverboads with a FREE 45-day warranty should something go wrong.
The Highest Safety Rating
UL Listed means that UL has tested represented samples of the product and determined that it meets UL’s Requirement’s These requirements are based primarily on UL’s published and nationally recognized Standard for Safety. References to UL and the UL listing may include the UL Listing Mark. –Underwriter Laboratories
You may have heard stories about Hoverboards overheating and even catching fire, however these were NOT our Hoverboards and were NOT UL2272 certified. If you have done any research on Hoverboards and are conscious about safety, then you have likely heard about the UL 2272 Certification that is now the industry standard for Hoverboard safety. Underwriter Laboratories, a United States based safety organization, is in charge of testing various types of electronics to ensure they are safe for public consumption. UL has only certified a handful of Hoverboard brands so far up until this point, and we are happy to report that EVERY Hoverboard we sell is UL 2272 Certified!
If you have been searching for a safe, top-rated, and certified Hoverboard for your child, or even your own personal use, then now is your chance to buy our best-selling 6.5″ model for under $150.
Weight | 25 lbs |
Dimensions | 26 x 11 x 11 in |
Add Bluetooth Speakers (Additional $14.00) | Yes, add Bluetooth, No Bluetooth |
Certification | Authentic UL2272 Certified |
Internal Temperature Control | Included |
Top Speed | 8-10 MPH |
Wheel Diameter | 6.5" |
Weight Capacity | 220 LBS |
Battery | UL Certified 4400mAh Li-ion Cells |
Range | 8-12 Miles per Charge |
Color | Purple |